Rimini all year round

Pasta Così (Amati Conserve)

Every day, at “Pasta cosi”, in Borgo San Giuliano, you can find fresh Romagnol pasta, prepared by the skilled hands of the “zdore” (the typical Romagna housewives), and the innovative “food from tap”, such as dry pasta and legumes, quality products without packaging, that can also be purchased in small quantities. In addition, you can find the numerous products of Amati Conserve, a Rimini company that started from the passion for genuine, healthy, good things and from the link with the Romagnol area, whose raw materials are sourced from small rural realities of the hinterland … unique products, from organic farming or integrated pest management, transformed into preserves or jams within hours of harvesting.  

Via S. Giuliano, 1. Rimini Borgo San Giuliano – Tel. +39 0541 179 6779

Rimini Style Card:uno zainetto brandizzato in regalo

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