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San Bernardino Church

Built in 1759, designed by Giovan Francesco Buonamici. This was his last construction. On the outside there are plaster statues by Carlo Sarti, inside there are remarkable paintings by Donato Creti.
The simple brick facade is decorated with a diamond point pattern; the main portal is flanked by statues of St Bernardino da Siena and St Giacomo della Marca sculpted in 1765 by Carlo Sarti. He also completed the St Francis in the niche in the right rear corner of the church. The main altar has angels with the Franciscan symbols sculpted by Sarti.

The side altars have five antique paintings depicting, respectively, San Bernardino da Siena (by Giovanni Laurentini in 1600), Santa Margherita da Cortona (by Ercole Graziani in 1752), San Francesco receiving the stigmata, San Diego d’Alcalà and San Giovanni da Capestrano, (by Donato Creti between 1732 and 1746)

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