Colonnella Milestone:
On the sidelines of Via Flaminia, a few meters away from the church of S. Maria della “Colonnella”, the milestone that marked the first mile away (about 1,480 m) from the Arch of Augustus is visible . It is a milestone in local stone 2.68 m high with a square base and a truncated cone shaft. Following a reclamation intervention, the milestone has been placed in a public parking lot, where excavations have been able to identify the route of Via Flaminia and a necropolis.
Miramare Milestone:
At Miramare, in an area known as “Il Terzo,” lies is the milestone that marked the road distance of three miles from Rimini. The stone is made of local stone and it shows an upper truncated cone part resting on a square base, which in ancient times could not be seen as stuck into the ground.